Benefits of Counselling and Therapy

There has been much research done about the benefits of counselling. Conclusions of research are always the same, counselling works.

In the counselling process, you are heard. In its core, that is the single most important benefit. By being heard and not judged, you have the freedom to explore your true feelings and thoughts and by doing so, understanding what drives the negative in your life you can change and improve. In this sense, counselling is empowering as it gives you control over your emotions.

However, the benefits of counselling are much more than just being heard.

If being heard is one of the main values, what is the difference between talking to a friend or a close family member and to a counsellor?

Most of the time, talking to a friend or close relative helps. Sometimes it doesn’t. A close relationship is someone who accepts you, however, exploring your thoughts and emotions out loud with a person who may have a vested interest in them may stop you from expressing your deepest thoughts and by doing so, effectively annulling the benefit of being heard.

A trained therapist is someone who will not judge what you have to say. The counsellor’s job is to listen and help you find your own answers, without a personal agenda. Having a third person’s view, with actual perspective of your emotions, feelings and thoughts, helps you see things that otherwise may have been missed.

So, when should you seek counselling?

Most people simply want to have the opportunity to be heard and express themselves, however, certain situations more obviously benefit from counselling, such as:

  • When you are having feelings of helplessness and hopelessness
  • When dealing personal issues interfering with sleep, eating, concentration, academic or work performance and relationships
  • If you are feeling worry constantly
  • Experiencing prolonged sadness
  • Feeling depressed, lethargic, or apathetic
  • Having thoughts of suicide or wanting to harm yourself
  • Increased irritability, inappropriate mood swings, angry outbursts
  • Having difficulty making decisions
  • Needing more control of your life
  • On certain life changing events like the loss of a loved one, the birth of a new baby, going through a divorce, etc.

How can counselling help you?

Counselling can help you to:

  • Unleash your true self
  • Communicate better with significant others
  • Enjoy more passionate and harmonious relationships
  • Reach greater happiness and peace of mind
  • Improve your self-esteem
  • Stop addictive and/or destructive behaviours
  • Develop a happier, more functional relationship with your family (even if they never change)
  • Understand your loved ones better
  • Increase overall satisfaction of life
  • Grow personally & spiritually
  • Improve job performance & career satisfaction
  • Understand your own thoughts, feelings, and responses better
  • Understand the true source of your difficulties more objectively which helps you move past them
  • Express your feelings and come to terms with new or past experiences
  • Develop a more positive outlook and a healthier lifestyle

Need counselling? There are many different types of counselling and all work, however, the single most important factor for determining success is how you feel with your therapist. If you need help and would like to schedule a first session, contact me to ask any questions you may have.

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